Naein & Meybod
Naein also called Naeen is a desert city and capital of Naein County in Isfahan Province. Back from 5th century BC to 3rd century CE Naein served as an administrative center for Yazd. After the advent of Islam, city became a rest stop for Caravans crossing the desert. Thus, around it and inside the city you can find so called “Caravanserai” or in other words ancient hotels. The name of the city is said to come from the Persian word ‘Ney’ meaning reed and it was named Naein as there were numerous reed beds in the area.
On top of serving as a pit stop for travelers Naein is the producer of one of the finest and most sought-after Persian carpets. The Naein is made of high-quality wool or silk and has a Shah Abbasi design. A Shah Abbasi design consists of elegant arabesque, palmette and lotus motifs and requires a high knot density. The Naein rug often has blue highlighting on cream or ivory backgrounds.
In the city you will find various historical attractions ranging from the Jame Mosque, which is the second oldest Islamic place of worship built in the country to Parthian Narenj Castle from where you can enjoy the view of the city.
Meybod is a sprawling mud-brick town that is at least 1800 years old city and capital of Meybod County, Yazd Province. Several sites of interest can be found here around the town center, chief of which is the town's ancient fortress. From top of the castle amazing sunset view emerges. Here you can also find many restored ancient hotels built to host people traveling through the desert. Those who are in a hurry usually spends here around an hour on a rushed round the sights, however, we believe that the characterful town deserves a more leisurely visit.
The Naryn or Narin Castle is a mud-brick fort in the middle of the town. Although all outer gates have been destroyed the inner castle still exists. You can still see some of the outer walls. Structures like these constituted the government stronghold in some of the older (pre-Islamic) towns of central Iran. The ruins of the structure stand 40 meters high. Although built around 2,000 years ago, it contains what seems to be a type of plumbing system which was built into its massive walls. It is also peculiarly similar in design to Ali Qapu palace of Isfahan. Also, the structure seems to have been the victim of numerous earthquakes throughout the ages.
Helpful tips
Markets. In Naein and Meybod as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. However, prices in grocery shops are similar as in all country.
Transportation. To get to Naein and Meybod you can use car or bus which ever you think is more convenient for you. We hitchhiked and it was super easy as both of them are attracting a lot of tourists and main country’s traffic goes through these two cities.
To get around the city is best on foot or with a car, sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well. However, if you live near center it is best to do it on foot!
Best of luck planning your holidays in Iran!
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