Kashan is a peaceful town situated in northern part of Isfahan province. Many travelers are usually in a hurry because of short visa or vacation time while traveling through Iran. Therefore, often bypass Kashan on their journeys between Tehran, Esfahan and Yazd or other cities. However, this delightful oasis city is one of Iran's most tempting destinations. It can be proud of a cluster of architectural wonders, an atmospheric covered bazaar and a UNESCO recognized garden, as well as, it can offer some of central Iran's best traditional hotels.
Kashan is an old city and from 11th to 13th century it was famous for its textiles, pottery and tiles, reaching high levels of accomplishment in each of these cottage industries. Moreover, in Kashan you most definitely can find a perfect example of fine Persian architecture. In 18th and 19th centuries the town was a favorite holiday destination for rich and famous, many of them have built their vacation houses here. While these days it’s possible to visit some of the old houses the town is more widely known as a major center for the production of rose water. You can find it at outlets around the main tourist attractions and at dedicated stores in the covered bazaar.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. Kashan has plenty of bars and restaurants located in the city center. It is well prepared to handle tourists who come to visit. In our opinion the best choice is to go into one of the old houses. There you will find not only great atmosphere but also delicious traditional food from the area.
Morshedi restaurant which is a traditional house with local cuisine. It has a good price quality ration and we enjoyed the food there.
Other is Abbasi traditional restaurant where you can find yourself relaxing after a long day of exploring with a cup of tea in another traditional house. Lovely atmosphere, local food and delicious tea.
Markets. In Kashan as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. However, prices in grocery shops are similar as in all country.
Be sure to visit the atmospheric covered bazaar with lots of shops inside. Sweets there are something special we enjoyed most.
Transportation. To get to Kashan you can use car, bus or train which ever you think is more convenient for you. We hitchhiked and it was super easy as it is on the road from Tehran to Isfahan, there are lots of cars going both ways.
To get around the city is best on foot, sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well. However, if you live near center it is best to explore it on foot!
Best of luck planning your holidays in Iran!
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