Tatev Monastery
Tatev Monastery is a 9th century Armenian Apostolic monastery located on a large basalt plateau near the Tatev village in Syunik Province in southeastern Armenia. It is one of the oldest and most famous monastery complexes in Armenia. The term "Tatev" usually refers to the monastery. During medieval times Tatev Monastery was a vital scholastic, enlightenment and spiritual center and played a singular role in the country’s history. The monastic ensemble stands on the edge of a deep gorge of the Vorotan River. Restoration of the monastery, re-establishing its educational legacy and reviving monastic life at Tatev is one of the main goals of Tatev Revival Program.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. In Tatev town near the monastery you will find plenty of restaurants specially oriented to hordes of tourists and serving various local foods.
Markets. In Tatev near the Monastery as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. However, prices in grocery shops are similar as in all country.
Transportation. To get to Tatev Monastery you can use car, bus, taxi or Special tramway called Wings of Tatev whichever you find more convenient. We hitchhiked to the Wings of Tatev, then we decided not to use it as we really wanted to visit the Devil’s bridge which is in the valley and the wings are expensive. Therefore, we went with car downhill and then again up to the Tatev Monastery. Friendly for all kind of tourists, backpackers and campers included.
To get around the city is best on foot, sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well. However, if you live near center it is best to do it on foot!
Best of luck planning your holidays in Armenia!
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