Goris is a town and the center of the urban community of Goris, in Syunik Province at the south of Armenia. Located in the valley of river Goris, it is 254 km from the Armenian capital Yerevan and 67 km from the provincial center Kapan. Goris is the second-largest city in Syunik in terms of population. The town offers historical and medieval landmarks to visitors. Similar to its neighboring town Tatev, Goris has a limited number of sights, but each is very impressive and worth at least one day or better two-day visit.
The most well-known and famous site is Medieval Goris Cave Dwellings which were inhabited by locals until the mid-twentieth century. Forests and rocks surround this unusual site that is only accessible by a swinging bridge. Once you cross the bridge, you need to ascend steep stairs in order to reach this abandoned settlement. Stroll down through those dwellings and admire the work that went into the construction.
Helpful tips
Markets. In Goris as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. However, prices in grocery shops are similar as in all country.
Transportation. To get to Goris you can use car, bus, train or taxi whichever you find more convenient. We hitchhiked and everything went easy and well. We witnessed many people with rented or personal cars, also, bus and taxi tours. It is a well known and visited location in Armenia, therefore, you will see plenty of tourists crawling around.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Armenia!
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