Samsun is a major Black Sea port city on the north coast of Turkey. Nowadays, many visitors find themselves in Samsun mostly for due to business or due to the reason Mustafa Kemal Atatürk starting War of Independence here. On 19th of May 1919 a man stepped ashore who later created the Turkish state, changed the society and even altered the language.
City went through a lot of hardship as most of the cities in Turkey. First the Romans took over in 47 BC and then they were replaced by the Byzantines. Afterwards, the town was captured by the Seljuks (around 1200 AD), taken over by the Ilhanid Mongols and later became part of a Turkish principality. Samsun was incorporated in the network of Genoese trading posts and was taken by the Ottomans in the first part of the 15th century. However, before leaving, the Genoese burnt the town to the ground.
Nevertheless, there are things which remained and while walking through the city you will find historical and cultural sites including the Pazar Mosque, Samsun's oldest building, a mosque built by the Ilhanid Mongols in the 13th century. Be sure to walk through the city and explore pedestrian areas, they are lively and have great places to eat!
Helpful tips
Restaurants. “Calikusu Muhammet” – is a restaurant in the main pedestrian street of Samsun. There with great service we got delicious food and great price quality ratio! Just perfect for an evening meal!
Markets. In Samsun as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. Here prices in shops and markets are similar and you should use more convenient one for you.
In northern Turkey you should not drink from tap as locals suggest against it. However, in case you are not sure, just double check this with them directly.
Transportation. To get to Samsun you can use car, bus, train or plane which ever you find more convenient for you. In order to get around the city best is to use local buses, trams or your foot. Also, taxi could be a quick solution.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Samsun!
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