Ankara – cosmopolitan capital of Turkey situated in the northwestern part of the country. Once was conquered by Alexander the Great, later incorporated into Roman Empire by emperor Augustus and while under Byzantine Empire, Ankara was attacked by both the Persians and the Arabs. Only in 1923 Ankara was declared the capital of Turkey.
Nevertheless, it is now a center for the performing arts, home to the State Opera and Ballet, the Presidential Symphony Orchestra and several national theater companies.
City’s architecture reflects its varied history. First, overlooking the modern city we find Anitkabir, the enormous hilltop mausoleum of Kemal Atatürk, modern Turkey’s first president, who declared Ankara the capital city of the country. Moving from there we explore the remains left from the Roman era including baths, the Column of Julian and the Temple of Roma and Augustus. While from Byzantine Empire what is left is only the citadel and a cemetery. On our way through the city we can see numerous Ottoman buildings.
For us the biggest impression both positive and negative was left by Ankara Castle and Old town of the city which surrounds it! Differently than in other cities we have visited so far, Old town in Ankara is not yet a touristic place, neither it is the heart of the city. Big part of Old town looks like a slum yard with numerous abandoned buildings surrounding the Castle. However, when you get on top of the fortification walls you forget all the shortcomings of this area. The view from the top is just mesmerizing!
In our opinion Ankara is an amazing city for tourists as they have not ruined it yet! The prices here for touristic attractions are reasonable and compared to other places in Turkey they are less than cheap and some of them are free. Most importantly, places here still feel real! While visiting you will not find many red flags of what you should and should not do. Here you can trust your common sense more. Or not! And do what you always wanted!
Helpful tips
Restaurants. “Oz Gaziantep Lokantasi” – a place where local workers usually have their lunch. It is amazing place, great food, everything is fresh and tons of people eating. We were recommended to visit this place by our host when we explained that we were looking for a simple place where you can find good food for a reasonable price, with local food and many locals instead of tourists.
“Yildiz Aspava Esat” – an amazing chain of restaurants where we got a chance to try various local dishes together with our hosts. It was pleasant experience and would recommend for everyone who wants to feel the special Ankara’s cuisine!
Markets. In Ankara as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. Here prices in shops and markets are similar and you should use more convenient one for you.
In Turkey, especially in larger cities locals advised not to drink tap water. They were convinced that it is not healthy and has chemicals inside, its good only for boiling but not drinking.
Transportation. To get to Ankara you can use car, bus, train or plane which ever you think is more convenient for you. As it is a capital – it has great infrastructure. And to get around the city is best with metro or local buses. Sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well.
The Ankara Airport provides travelers with convenient connections to all major European cities, and from the central train station and bus station passengers can reach every destination in the country.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Ankara!
Is there anything else you would like to visit while in Turkey?
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