Sofia – a capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in the western part of the country on the lower slopes of Mount Vitosha. Culturally and economically strong as the city is located at a strategic crossroads. The route from Western Europe to Istanbul passes through Sofia.
City has beautiful parks where many find place for rest and recreation. When we entered the city, we found ourselves in a beautiful Borisov Park which is right in the center of the city. Also, there is South Park which is next to the National Palace of Culture. There you can also find a huge fountain! Many more green areas are situated around Sofia, especially in the mountains.
There are just to many cultural and historical sight here in Sofia including hot springs, Saint Sofia Basilica, The Eastern Gate, The Memorial Church Saint Alexander Nevsky, Saint George Rotunda, Petka Samardzhiyska Church, The Lion or Eagle Bridge, National Palace of Culture and many more places which are worth visiting while in Sofia. We suggest you get a guide, while here or explore it with a local! We went on this amazing free tour Sofia and enjoyed every last second of it while getting to know facts and fun stories behind mostly visited objects and not touristic places in the city!
Helpful tips
Restaurants. Happy – a chain of restaurants common through many cities in Bulgaria. Recommended by locals for serving good food for a descent price. Together with our host we tried Happy Bar and Grill once we arrived. It was nice, they had local dishes and we stick to that option. We enjoyed the meal, it was fresh and price quality ration was good!
Vitosha Street Café is where we went to try lunch offer, they had after city exploration. It is located in a very one of the most visited avenues in whole city – Vitosha Boulevard. There you will find many places to choose from and we chose this one only because there were many locals inside, plus they had local dishes on the lunch menu, and they sounded delicious! We left the place happy! It was a great and delicious deal for a price we paid, we would recommend it for everyone!
Markets. In Sofia as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. Here prices in shops and markets are similar and you should use more convenient one for you.
In west of Bulgaria it is totally safe to drink tap water as locals suggest it. According to them there are a lot of mountain spring water and water here is fresh and clear.
Transportation. To get to Sofia you can use car, bus, train or plane which ever you think is more convenient for you. And to get around the city is best with metro and local buses, sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well.
The Sofia Airport provides travelers with convenient connections to all major European cities, and from the central train station and bus station passengers can reach every destination in the country.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Sofia!
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