Kazanluk – is a town located in center Bulgaria, Stara Zagora District, at the foot of the Balkan mountain range and at the eastern end of the Rose Valley. This is most likely the reason why city is the center of rose oil extraction in Bulgaria and the oil-producing rose of Kazanluk is one of the most widely recognizable national symbols. In this area the nature has combined the beauty and majesty of the Balkan Mountains with the fertility of the Tundja river valley.
The oil-yielding rose is one of the most import cultural heritage in the history of the Kazanluk region. It is common for native to inherit this way of life. Near the city travelers can explore hiking routes, go for a biking adventure, orienteering or alpinism. Also, sports like climbing and ski-tourism is present in the area.
As there are many more interesting things to do out of the city, you may wonder why you should visit?
Locals took us to the Kazanluk Thracian Crypt (Kazanluk tomb) which is a monument of exceptionally great worth, discovered in 1944 beneath a mound in the vicinity of the town of Kazanluk. It is representative of the Thracian architectural and pictorial art from the end of the 4th and the beginning of 3rd century B.C. It was declared UNESCO cultural monument in 1979 and Bulgarians made an exact copy of the tomb hundred meters east which you can visit and see from inside!
Also, on our way through the city we spotted something Spicy! Previously seen Roma people villages on the outskirts of the city was nothing compared to Roma people districts inside the city. They were separated from the rest of the town with huge cement block walls with only few original entrances. That is not something you see every day and if you are going to explore it remember that locals advise to keep your valuables at home.
Helpful tips
Markets. In Kazanluk as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. The prices in the shops are similar depending on the size of the shop, but the difference is not huge, thus we encourage to save time and choose the closest shop which has what you need.
In central Bulgaria you should not drink water from tap as we were advised against it. However, in case you disagree, just double check this with locals when you are there.
Transportation. To get to Kazanluk you can use car, bus, train which ever you think is more convenient for you. Best way to get around the city is with your car. However, if you do not own one, it is doable with foot as we walked through it several times, the views in most of the city areas are nothing special except the Roma people districts. They are unique!
Best of luck planning your holidays in Kazanluk!
Is there anything else you would like to visit while in Bulgaria?
If you have anything in mind, please let us know and let’s discuss it.
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