Vama Veche
Vama Veche is close to Constanta and lies on the south eastern side of Romania, on a coast of the Black Sea and walking distance to a border with Bulgaria. The name “Vama Veche” means “the old customs”. We guess it’s due the fact that it is near the border. Vama Veche used to be a place for a certain type of people. We heard this from locals while traveling through whole Romania, that most of the people loved this tiny village for its vibrant atmosphere, freedom and lovely community.
Romanian seaside is a popular holiday destination and most Romanians spend their weekends there, during summer. Yes, Romania has a seaside and there is a place for anyone. Vama Veche. Due to its location, decades ago people started to go there, enjoy and chill spending their time by the sea. More and more people started coming and nowadays it’s a filthy, crowded and expensive village in the middle of nowhere.
Hearing about this place for the first time, we were excited to go there and wanted to explore it, maybe even stay there for a night! When we arrived, we witnessed that it became a commercial village, overcrowded and expensive.
Now we understand that it is a place most tourists and travelers hear about and this makes it even more commercial and destroys its authenticity.
Nevertheless, if you desire to spend your holiday in expensive, not exactly clean, filled with overcrowded shops and places to eat – it is a place to go. Huge parties in the beach in the evenings, new friendships and lots of alcohol is what now describes Vama Veche.
We stand against visiting this location, as for us it was not of our choice. However, we believe that many people find theirselves enjoying the place as we all need different things in life. For us, it was far more adventurous and fun to visit a wild beach in Bulgaria not far from there.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. We somehow ended up eating kebabs in plate in this beach restaurant recommended by the person who drove us there – La Canapele Party. Food there was good and price quality ratio satisfied us. We had a great meal and couple beers, spending most of our possessed Romanian currency.
Markets. In Vama Veche as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. Here prices in shops and markets are similar and crazy expensive compared to whole Romania. You can find price for a beer in shop reach 1,5-2 euros.
In south east of Romania, you should not drink tap water as it is different from north and central part of the country where you have many mountains and springs. However, in case you are not sure, just double check this with locals.
Transportation. To get to Vama Veche you can use car or bus which ever you think is more convenient for you. And to get around the city is best on foot, sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well.
Fun fact. If you go to Vama Veche during summer months from Constanta with car, you will be able to witness a stunning number of women “working” on the road.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Vama Veche!
Is there anything else you would like to visit while in Romania?
If you have anything in mind, please let us know and let’s discuss it.
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