Iasi (pronounced Yash) sometimes also known as “Jassy” is located in northeast side of Romania, situated in Romania’s province Moldavia close to the border with Moldova. In fact, Iasi is actually the most important political, cultural and economic center in Moldavia region. As well as one of the oldest a city in whole country and one of couple where you can count more than 100 churches. It even had the first university and a local newspaper. We believe that Iasi serves as a national treasure to everyone who are interested in culture and history of Romania.
We entered Iasi from Moldova and it had huge impact on us as we did not expect it to be nowhere near this beautiful and well taken care off.
Even though Iasi is in a rather inconvenient location in comparison to Romania's other main destinations, we managed to visit it and we believe you should to! Everyone is welcome here! The city is stunning and has so many things to offer!
Helpful tips
Restaurants. It has this wonderful restaurant where you can try local cuisine called – Oscar. We had lovely dinner there and we believe it is a must visit place if you are looking for a great price quality ratio in town. However, keep in mind that the prices are relatively high, but they are relatively high all over the North of Romania.
Markets. In Iasi as in every other location on the world enjoyed by tourists you will have a chance to buy overpriced souvenirs. Here prices in shops and markets are similar and you should use more convenient one for you.
In North you should not worry about water as it is drinkable from tap. Because of good mountain water. However, in case you are not sure, just double check this with locals.
Transportation. To get to Iasi you can use car, bus, train or plane, which ever you think is more convenient for you. And to get around the city is best with trams and local buses, sometimes taxi might be a quick option as well.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Iasi!
Is there anything else you would like to visit while in Romania?
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