Trakai is a small city situated west of Vilnius between the forests, lakes and hills. It is famous because of its majestic landscape and grand Castle in the middle of main Galvė lake. Through history Trakai was an important city for Lithuania, Lithuanian Grand Dukes made this city as headquarters for themselves, it was like a cradle of Lithuanian statehood – the capital of Lithuania. Today Trakai serves as a refugee for all who wants to get away from city and enjoy nature with beautiful landscape, maybe a yacht trip around one of the lakes and some amazing local food (kybyn). Kybyn were brought to Lithuania by Karaimes (people speaking the Turkic language), they live in Trakai from 14th century, however, managed to preserve their traditional cuisine and traditions.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. In Trakai almost in every restaurant you will find local food (kybyn), however, some places are better for groups where you can even order a tour and make your own kybyn. We recommend to visit in our opinion one of the best kybyn restaurants – “Senoji kibininė“. So far they have not let us down and kybyns there are amazing!
Markets. In Trakai as in every other location on the world loved by tourists you will have plenty of shops who can sell you overpriced souvenirs.
Prices in grocery shops are the same as through whole Lithuania, however, take into consideration that bigger shops in Trakai are located mostly near the entrance to the city and not the Old town where the Castle and museums are.
Remember that tap water is great in Trakai and whole Lithuania as we have huge reserves of underground water and you can drink it without any problems, unless you get some warnings.
Transportation. To get to Trakai you can use car, bus (2 euro one way trip), train (1.8 euro one way trip) or even bike. Trakai is not far from Vilnius, thus, it is very easy and convenient to make a day trip to there.
While transportation around the city is even easier, you can use foot, the city is small, and it is comfortable to get around.
Places around Trakai. There are quite few wonderful places around Trakai. First, we recommend to visit “Užutrakis manor“, which has beautiful garden and recently was renovated. If by any chance you come here in deep winter, there might be a possibility to reach the manor on foot through the lake.
Moreover, if you like nature you should definitely visit Varnikai Botanical Zoological Reserve which is situated in the east of Trakai town.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Trakai!
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