Kep is a small resort town situated on a Gulf of Thailand in the southern part of Cambodia. The highlights here are the seafood kitchen with pepper crabs as the main dish and nearby tropical islands. However, we also found it to be charming and peaceful getaway from busy South East Asia rhythm. It was founded as a seaside retreat back in 1908 for French colonists who built still standing and crumbling villas here.
The city does not have a center. However, it attracts many tourists who are hungry for some fresh and tasty seafood, a magnificent sunset on a Gulf of Thailand, relaxing stroll around a promenade near the coast or nearby Kep National Park.
Kep has this strange vibe around the whole city, once there, we could feel very pleasant and relaxing.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. There are multiple places in the city where you can find descent food. In most of the local restaurants you will find price and quality ratio alright and food fresh, especially fish as city is close to Gulf of Thailand. In many restaurants they even have aquariums where you can choose food from. Stop by and try local food in street markets, look for a cleaner place and enjoy!
We enjoyed dinner in “Captains Chims Guesthouse Restaurant” which was a bit remote as we stayed in the other end of the city. However, it was worth it! Also, a good restaurant situated near the Kep beach called “Beachside Tacos” where we found great price quality ratio. And it is a must to try a crab here. It will usually be fresh, well just caught to tell you the truth, and this can be done near famous crab market where many restaurants serve it. However, if you do not feel like eating outside, many accommodations have their own kitchen and provide great food for their guests.
Markets. In Kep as in almost every other city in Cambodia you will not easily find a lot of cheap souvenirs to put on your fridge. However, we encourage to walk around and look for hand made goods in local markets. Here they will charge you more if you look like a tourist. In shops all over city prices vary around same level, thus, choose a more convenient for you. We did not find a shop which would accept card payment, thus, be prepared and have some cash with you!
Transportation. To get to Kep you can use car, bus or a boat as it is not a large city but it is a port. We traveled to Kep using hitchhiking from Kampot. The road quality is alright, they are not massive but well maintained. It was just a 20 kilometers ride, thus, we got there in less than an hour. Either way you choose, be aware that infrastructure is not bad but clearly not the best, roads are small and sometimes two-line road (one line each direction) is already considered as a highway. So, do not forget to enjoy the trip not only the destination.
Inside the city you will find yourself using local Tuk Tuk’s, bikes or mopeds which are one of the most convenient transportation devices used to get around. However, exploration is doable on foot if you decide to skip on bike.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Cambodia!
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