Pyay, once a trade center of Bagan era, now a town on a major crossroad from Yangon to Bagan and Ngapali, also, principal town of Bago Region. With a caller location on the Ayeyarwady River, it is a major stop between these major attractions. City rises early in the morning, while it is still dark you can witness monks quickly strolling through the streets carrying their pots and going into impressive city’s pagodas. Or visit gigantic Buddha statues right next to city center where gilded equestrian statue of Aung San stands.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. There are multiple places in the city where you can find descent food. In most of the local restaurants you will find price and quality ratio alright and food fresh. Stop by and try local food in street markets, look for a cleaner place and enjoy!
We enjoyed breakfast in local street restaurant, near the entrance to one of the main temples in the city – it was amazing!
Markets. In Pyay as in almost every other city in Myanmar you will not easily find a lot of cheap souvenirs to put on your fridge. However, we encourage to walk around and look for hand made goods in local markets. Here they will charge you less the less you look like a tourist and if you know some simple Myanmar phrases, that will melt their hearts away. In shops all over city prices vary around same level, thus, choose a more convenient for you. We did not find a shop which would accept card payment, thus, be prepared and have some cash with you!
Transportation. To get to Pyay you can use car, bus, train or plane as it is strategically important city of Myanmar. We traveled to Pyay using train from Bagan. Either way you choose, be aware that infrastructure is underdeveloped, roads are small and sometimes two-line road (one line each direction) is already considered as a highway. Traveling with trains between major cities are alright, however, if you plan to visit more remote areas, be prepared to spend some quality time in the process. Our train ride from Bagan to Pyay took us a bit more than 13 hours to get there. So, at this point you must be able to enjoy the trip not only the destination.
Inside the city you will find yourself using local Tuk Tuk’s, taxies, bikes which are one of the most convenient transportation devices used to get around. However, exploration is doable on foot if you decide to skip on bike.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Myanmar!
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