Sukhothai is a small town with numerous historical sites around it. Situated literally in the middle of nowhere around 430 kilometers north away from Bangkok and offering a daily life charm of a rural city. On the other hand, just next to the town you will find a UNESCO World Heritage City of Sukhothai Historical Park and not so far away Si Satchanalai Historical Park. Sukhothai is considered to be the cradle of Thai civilization. It was the first capital of Siam and through 200 years from 1238 to 1438 it gave birth to Thai art, architecture and language.
Sukhothai houses many sights worth visiting, however, we found that most significant ones are inside the Sukhothai Historical Park and Si Satchanalai Historical Park. There you can find many temple ruins and historical sites which are taken care of. Due to quite remote location, not everybody comes to visit this city and thus it is less crowded with tourist than its more popular counterpart Ayutthaya. Although we found the sights here much more attractive!
Helpful tips
Restaurants. There are multiple places in the city where you can find descent food. In most of the local restaurants you will find price and quality ratio alright and food fresh, especially fish. In many restaurants they even have aquariums where you can choose food. Stop by and try local food in street markets, look for a cleaner place and enjoy!
Markets. In Sukhothai as in almost every other city in Thailand you will easily find a lot of cheap souvenirs to put on your fridge. Local markets will charge you less the less you look like a tourist and if you know some simple Thai phrases, that will melt their hearts away. In shops all over city prices vary around same level, thus, choose a more convenient for you. Tesco Lotus accepts card payment, even if you do not spend 300 baths as in every other shop like for instance 7/11. We found it particularly convenient when you just need something like a water bottle or some snacks.
Transportation. To get to Sukhothai you can use car or bus as its Historical Park is quite heavily visited by tourists it is easily accessible town. We traveled to Sukhothai using hitchhiking from Uthai Thani. As we stayed not so far from the main road, it was an easy ride with couple cars and we reached our destination. Either way you choose, be aware that infrastructure is quite developed, wide roads with more lines and there is a lot of traffic. Do not forget to also enjoy the trip not only the destination.
Inside the city you will find yourself using local Tuk Tuk’s, minibus or bikes which are one of the most convenient transportation devices used to get around. However, exploration of Historical Park is doable on foot if you decide to skip on bike. You just need to reach it from the city if you do not live nearby.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Thailand!
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