Faridpur is a small city situated in central Bangladesh on a western part of Mara Padma stream. Mostly acting as a connection between the Goalundo Ghat with Kolkata by trains, or between Dhaka and South-western part of the country. Even though city possess only several government colleges it hosts many lively young people. Once there, we got a chance to participate in city’s fair and that was a blast!
Helpful tips
Restaurants. There are multiple places in the city where you will find amazing food. For us it was mostly in the area near New market. We enjoyed the in restaurants which names we could never dream to translate. Just go ahead and search for food which you think you like. Most of the places in whole country are comparatively clean and you should. Do not forget to try traditional bread cooked in a furnace, it is delicious!
Markets. In Faridpur as in almost every other city in Bangladesh you will not find a lot of cheap souvenirs to put on your fridge. However, you can get something what locals are making on spot and that is much more interesting if you ask us! In our opinion the most interesting is Bangladeshi rich arts and crafts tradition. Search for things made by locals from wood, leather, copper or most importantly cotton and silks.
Transportation. To get to Faridpur you can use car, bus, train, boat or all. In order to get there, we used bus, car, ferry and would have went with train to cover last kilometers but there were none at that exact time we arrived. Either way you choose, be prepared that it will take some time, slowdown, relax and enjoy the trip not the destination.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Bangladesh!
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