Chittagong is the largest port and second largest city in Bangladesh. The city itself is nowhere near nice. Quite the opposite, it is overpopulated, polluted and congested place. Even though it does not have a lot to offer, many travelers cross by this place at some point. First, because it is a fine place to sort travel permits for the Chittagong Hill Tracts which is one of the highlights of the country. Second, because many explorers are traveling through here to beaches of Cox’s Bazaar.
Helpful tips
Restaurants. There are multiple places in the city where you can find descent food. In most of the local restaurants you will find price and quality ration alright. Stop by and try local food in street markets, look for a cleaner place and enjoy!
We accidentally wandered into this amazing restaurant as it was filled with people while we spotted it. The smell forced us to go inside and get a seat, couple minutes later we already were laughing with restaurant staff and ordering us an amazing dinner! The restaurant close to the train station, between “Food Heaven” and “Hotel Hannan Al Fayez” restaurants, just next to it is “Haji Biriani” its own name is a mystery to us as it was not translated and staff do not speak any English. A must try place if you ask us, if you can find it!
Markets. In Chittagong as in almost every other city in Bangladesh you will not find a lot of cheap souvenirs to put on your fridge. However, you can get something what locals are making on spot and that is much more interesting if you ask us! In our opinion the most interesting is Bangladeshi rich arts and crafts tradition. Search for things made by locals from wood, leather, copper or most importantly cotton and silks.
Transportation. To get to Chittagong you can use car, bus, train, boat or all and of course as a second biggest city in the country it has an airport. In order to get there, we first used a bus to get to the main road from Sreemangal, then hitchhiked a truck which took us to a nearby town from where already after dawn we took a bus. Either way you choose, be prepared that it will take some time, slowdown, relax and enjoy the trip not the destination.
Inside the city you will find yourself using local Tuk Tuk’s, bikes and boats which are one of the main transportation devices used to get around if you need to cross river. We even used a train to get out of the city, as it is not a small one and trains do not get into traffic.
Best of luck planning your holidays in Bangladesh!
Is there anything else you would like to visit while in Bangladesh?
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